
The only thing that’s impossible
is the thing you don’t try.

More and more often, the technological transformation is leading entrepreneurs to launch themselves onto the market to find a niche for their ideas. Although about 9 out of 10 start-ups fail before they are 3 years old, the effort and dedication involved in the initial phases are very high. This high failure rate is due to multiple factors and risks that are poorly evaluated or managed: competition, lack of funding, difficulty in standing out from the crowd, unrealistic expectations, time management (when to launch the product/service or not), etc.


At M. Pique we are very clear that most of these risk factors depend on the creator/founder or their stakeholders. That is why we offer you the services of our professionals to advise you on all those asset or liability risks that can be transferred to an insurance company. We always seek a balance between risk reduction and the cost that this can represent for the company, which is so critical in embryonic phases.


What insurance do you need for your company?


  • Property Insurance
  • We must ensure that the goods and assets in which we have invested are protected against damage by external factors. As well as any loss of business due to one of these factors.
  • Similarly, if we plan to sell on credit, we will have to think about how to cover unpaid bills and about recovery management.
  • Liabilities
  • We must respond to the legal obligation to compensate/repair damages caused to third parties, whether caused by our company (product or service) or by our employees.
  • In addition, we must also protect the personal assets of the founders and managers of the company because of their liabilities towards third parties at the helm of the business management.
  • Cyberattacks and the GDPR
  • Whatever you do or whatever service you offer, remember that we have a responsibility for the use and processing of personal data. Not only to them, but also to the State Data Protection Agency. The new regulation entails sanctions that your company may not be able to cope with.


In addition to the general solutions offered by insurance, we offer you:


  • Initial advice and medium-term planning on coverage needs, programme organisation, costs.
  • Continuous monitoring of news, updates and possible changes in the company or its activities
  • Incident and claim assistance
  • Cost planning

Can we help you?

Please contact us at our nearest office or use our contact form to send your inquiry to us.
