Directors and Officers (D&O)
A strategic decision, a lack of compliance with a specific legislation, an unfair internal legislation policy, the mere approval of the annual accounts, are situations that can pose a risk for a company administrator, manager or director. They can find themselves in the position of having to deal with claims against them that endanger their personal assets or even the viability of the company they run.
Main reasons for taking out D&O insurance
- The law is clear, whether that is the Capital Company Act, the Law on Transparency, the Civil Code or even the Criminal Code – they all regulate the responsibilities of directors and officers
- The responsibility is both personal and corporate. Therefore, people risk their own assets and those of their family.
- We all make mistakes. We are caught up in a very frenetic and highly complex daily routine, with many variables and inputs to be taken into account and where risk and uncertainty in decision making is a constant.
- Free choice defence costs are included whether or not what we are being accused of is true.
Main Characteristics
- Negligent acts, errors or omissions
- Personal and corporate responsibility
- Free choice defence expenditure
- Emergency expenses
- Advertising and image restoration costs
- Tax liability
- New subsidiaries and investees included
- Worldwide