We know that the goods and/or the products that you have in the warehouse are well controlled, well stowed and covered by a multi-risk insurance. However, do you know whether or not they arrive at your client’s premises correctly and in good condition? Do you know what mechanisms exist to cover such transportation?
Freight insurance is complex and the initial analysis and underwriting processes are very important for the proper handling of claims.
That is why we have to differentiate between three main groups:
- Shippers
All risk insurance for manufacturers and/or distributors (Institute Cargo Clauses A).
- Brand Protection
- Attendance at Fairs and/or Exhibitions
- Packaging and conditioning
- Deferral of packaging opening
- Buyer contingency
- Breakdown, shutdown and reversal of refrigeration unit
- Loss of integrity
- Mechanism and internal failure
- Removal of remains
- Returns to origin
- Tags
- Profit Sharing
- Carriers
Integral solutions for own damage and civil liability for logistics operators and carriers.
- Institute Cargo Clauses (A)
- General Conditions of Carriage
- Breakage / Damp / Theft / Spillage
- Damage by stowaways
- Loading and unloading operations
- Professional Civil Liability
- Errors or omissions
- Transport commission agents – Customs Agencies
Solution for those international transport commission companies that offer a wide coverage for their clients.
- Fixed or floating mode
- Shipper Coverages