More and more companies are investing in internationalisation and having a greater presence in other countries. As a result, there has been an increase in the transfer and movement of workers abroad.
Expatriates are those workers who provide a service on a temporary or permanent basis for a company outside their country of origin.
Expatriation can be enormously beneficial to both parties, however, and from a Human Resources point of view, the company must ensure the well-being of its workers.
These are the main options that the insurance sector offers for this purpose.
Travel Assistance
- Unlimited medical expenses in any country
- Expenses for repatriation and transfer of family members
- Travel delays
- Accident compensation
- Private civil liability
- Legal Assistance
- Death/disability capital due to any cause and 24/7
Crisis Management
- Consultancy services for risks related to political violence, terrorism and crime that may affect both the company and employees
Kidnapping and extortion
- Coverage specially designed for the management of a critical situation in countries where the risk of kidnapping is high.
Luggage and personal belongings
- Checked-in baggage
- Theft and robbery on the street
- Hotel stays